Alaska: Day 12: 7-17-93: A Lazy Day In Anchorage

Today was very slow paced and relaxing -- a much needed yellow light on the highway of my vacation. For once, I woke up gradually, fading in and out of consciousness, until I got my lazy butt out of bed around 10:30.

After my morning grooming , I decided to explore Anchorage. Equipped with a chore (I wanted to develop my Kodak panorama film because the case said it expired a month ago [?!] -- damn those pimply CVS stockboys!), I walked a couple miles to the Northway Mall in search of a photo shop. I eventually found one, but they told me they didn't have the equipment necessary to process panoramic film (I'd have to go to their other outlet). Oh, well. I restocked my film supply, ate a sinfully delicious cinnamon roll at Mrs. Cinnabuns next door, and walked back to Chez Waxman.

At 1:30, Becky, Roz, Marce, Dan and I (Dave was at temple) went out to eat at Simon and Seafort's Seafood Restaurant. They had a scrumptious looking menu, but I was still kinda full from the Cinnabun -- plus, I desperately needed to conserve cash if I was to stay within budget -- so I just ordered a bowl of minestrone. Then I said farewell to Dan, who was flying back to Philly, and I accompanied the girls on some errands.

Back at the house, I lounged around watching TV, played another Rummy 500 game with Dave (my parents should have just named me "Victor") and caught up on my journal. At 6:00, Becky, Dave and I invited Roz and Marce over the house for their "Last Supper." We prepared a wonderful meal (if I don't say so myself), consisting of Sockeye & King Salmon, scallops, tiger shrimp, rice, carrots and cauliflower. Mmm - Mmm! There's nothing like fresh Alaskan Seafood!

After seeing off the girls, Becky, Dave and I decided to go to the movies to see (of all things) The Firm. Naturally, I was all kinds of excited, because the book had been incredible. Well, it saddens me to say it, but the film was a grievous disappointment. They bastardized the plot, eliminated the riveting suspense and elicited mediocre acting from some very major talents. I don't remember the last time I left the theatre feeling so dejected and unfulfilled (A real case of bijou Blue Balls).

Sorry to end this entry on such a down note, but that's all that happened today. Nighty Night!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Minestrone sounds really good to me right now.

I am also a Grisham fan, but I haven't read that book yet. I didn't like the movie, and now I know why. It seemed really choppy to me when I saw it and, like you, I thought the acting could have been much better.