Oceania: Day 35: 8-7-94: The Last Of The Contikins... On My Own Again And Off To Cairns

Thus begins yet another chapter of my vacation and another entry in this journal. It's strange in a way, being on my own again. I've become so dependent on the people I've left behind that's it's hard to travel solo now -- it was almost too easy getting used to someone else planning my itinerary (and having others to share every activity with), and now that sole responsibility has reverted back to me, it seems a little overwhelming. I'm sure I'll get back into the groove eventually, but for now -- ehhh!

This morning brought the arrival of a new Contiki group. Scott and Carl were all smiles as they greeted their new troops -- just like that, they had moved on. It was strange watching a whole new flock of people don their Contiki backpacks and board the bus (our bus). They were all somewhat ill at ease, not quite sure where to sit or what to do -- wondering just what might be in store for them. I smiled knowingly as Scott grabbed the mike for the first time and gave his introduction to the tour. I knew the new busload would have a good time, perhaps one of the greatest of their lives, but you wouldn't know it from their current tentative expressions (ah, to be so young and naive again . . . I truly envied them). The bus started up, and as it pulled away, Scott and I exchanged one final wave.

My shuttle bus soon arrived, and I set off for the airport. It had been so long since my last plane ride that the whole ordeal seemed a bit surreal -- the shuttle ride, the wait in the terminal and the jet journey itself were all one big foggy dream. It wasn't until I collected my baggage and called the Cairns Hostel (Caravella 149) that I finally snapped out of my hazy daze.

Upon arriving at the hostel, I was informed that the cheap dorm-style accommodations were all booked, and the only remaining room available had a bathroom, air conditioning and four French girls, all of whom -- I was "warned" -- had a very European habit of walking around in the nude. Hmm. "Well," I said. "If you are sure that's all you have . . ."

Sure enough, when I went to my room, one of the girls had just gotten out of the shower (sans towel), but that didn't stop her from introducing herself along with the others. As Annie famously sang, "I think I'm gonna like it here!"

Putting carnal thoughts aside (at least for the moment), I shifted into professional planning mode and started organizing the remainder of my trip. After scanning through the guide book, I soon realized that the time I had originally apportioned to spend in Cairns would not be enough to accomplish all I wanted to do, so my first order of business was to call Ansett Airlines and change my flight (again!). The I wrote out my itinerary for the next few days. Are you ready for this? O.K. Here goes: Monday (tomorrow) I'm going skydiving from 12,000 feet; Tuesday I'm going scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef; and Wednesday & Thursday I'm traveling to Mossmon, Daintree and Cape Tribulation to see the rainforest. I'm going broke, but it should be an awesome four days!

My night was spent enjoying a complimentary meal (not "free" per se, but it was included in the room price) of Lamb Stroganoff at "The End of the World" Bar and Restaurant with my new British friends from the hostel, Donna and Julie. All of our finances were so severely strained that in order to keep the meal completely cost-free, we were reduced to ordering glasses of ice for our beverages (they charged $.50 for water, but ice was on the house -- thus my audacious plan, which the girls giddily agreed to). Assuredly, there are but a handful of sights more amusingly pathetic than a person shaking and breathing on a glass full of ice in the hopes that enough may melt so that he can eke out a few refreshing drops of life-sustaining water. But hey, 50 cents is 50 cents.

After dinner, I had the option of going back to the hostel common room with Donna and Julie to watch a movie or staying at "The End of the World" for Pajama Night, where drinking games and partial nudity would abound. Inexplicably, I opted for the movie.

As it happened, we never got as far as the movie. We arrived an hour early, and after a few regrettable minutes watching Beverly Hills 90210 and a "TV Movie of The Week" on the Menendez Brothers, I excused myself to return to my room for a few pages of "The Client" and an early bedtime. I had several busy days ahead of me, and the rest would do me good.

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