Oceania: Day 40: 8-12-94: Rainforest And Beach

Having toured the rainforest during both the afternoon and the nighttime, today it was time for a change. As Monty Python would put it, "and now for something completely different." You guessed it, I decided to take a morning tour of the rainforest. For an added thrill, I wanted to go exploring without a guide. There was indeed a self-guided tour called the "Orange Rope Walk," which involved, coincidentally enough, following a trail marked with an orange-colored rope. I looked for company, and much to my delight, Anna agreed to join me. We wandered our way through an array of tropical palms, fanning out all around us and above us. Many varieties of these palms had survived millions of years and were among the first plant life ever to exist on Earth. One touch of their needlelike fronds was all it took to determine why the species had lasted so long -- they were tough, sharp and painful (these were some hardy trees!).

Among the more interesting sights that we saw on the first part of our our hike were a strangler fig (a parasitic plant which winds its thick, tawny limbs around an unsuspecting tree, stealing its light and nourishment until the unfortunate host eventually dies), a big black feral pig, towering trees with buttressed roots, and the bluntly-named "Tree with Breasts" (actual brochure description!) which had two bulbous bumps on its trunk -- Anna and I reached out and fondled them (we couldn't help ourselves) and we wondered briefly whether such a violation of Mother Nature was a natural impulse for most visitors or a select act carried out by the perverse few (like us).

The second half of our journey was all a big blur, mainly because our walk turned into a run when the rainforest suddenly decided to live up to its name. What started as a rather refreshing drizzle, soon gave way to a torrential downpour. We raced beside the orange rope all the way back to Crocodylus Village, where we sought the protection of the dining area.

At 10:00 a.m., Anna, Robin and I decided to hike to Cow Bay Beach, "where the rainforest meets the reef." The brochure proved accurate once again, as we traveled through a new section of the rainforest right onto the sand. It was a majestic sight, indeed: the ocean came rolling in to greet us, its white-capped waves slamming into rocky outcroppings dotting the shoreline, producing frothy sprays that soothed our sweaty bodies. While Anna and Robin settled down to sunbathe, I decided to explore the area. Following the coastline, climbing over aggregations of jagged rocks, I eventually discovered two more beachfronts, each as pristine and deserted as the first. As I stood atop one of the larger rocks, I felt like Robinson Crusoe, deserted on my very own tropical island.

------------------Taking In The Sights At Cow Bay Beach--------------------

-------------------------Waves Smack The Rocky Shore-------------------------

When I got back to check on the girls, Anna was taking a dip in the water and Robin was splayed out on her blanket without her top on (!). To say Robin's bosom was ample didn't begin to do it justice (the Tree had nothing on her), and it took a Herculean effort to hold my eyes and tongue in my head and attempt natural conversation. "You're chest is sunburned," I blurted (doh! -- way to be subtle, Chris!). "I burned it yesterday," she replied casually, as if referring to her nose or back. Well, if she was comfortable being topless in front of me, I guess I could get comfortable with it, too (after all, I did briefly share a room with those French girls, but they were total strangers -- I had come to know Robin and was used to her with her clothes decidedly on). We proceeded to make small talk as if her ponderous pair were not on display, and I almost reached a point where I stopped staring.

After building up a sweat, I regretfully took my leave of Robin (thinking thanks for the mammaries and unashamedly amused and at my adolescent pun) to cool off in the ocean. I joined Anna (her own top disappointingly secure) in the water for a brief while before seeking out a shady palm where I could do some reading out of the carcinogenic sunlight.

-----------------------------------------Anna Takes A Dip------------------------------------------------(Robin's Photo Didn't Get Past The Censors!) --------------

At noon, we decided to head back to the hostel for something to eat. Robin (now cruelly clothed) suggested we all have veggie burgers for lunch. There were only two left, so I ordered a slice of veggie pizza, and Anna and I shared half of each other's meal. Both dishes were very tasty and vegetable-laden.

Sadly, my brief but memorable stay at Crocodylus Village had now come to a close. I got the girls addresses and said my goodbyes.

I had the dubious honor of once again having the one-and-only Paul as my bus driver for the ride back to Cairns. Surprisingly, he seemed more amusing than obnoxious this time (though perhaps I was just in a better frame of mind). I spent the journey chatting it up with Rosie from Ireland and Joyce from Scotland. They were pleasant enough to talk to, and they both graciously offered to show me around their respective countries if I ever made it out that way (more addresses!). The return trip was a carbon copy of the outgoing one, though I did get to experience the added thrill of a 5-minute Daintree River ferry crossing.

I arrived back in Cairns at 5:30 p.m., cleaned myself up and popped on over to Chloe's hostel. She and Marie were out, so I left a note and went for another free meal at "The End of The World."

When I went back to Chloe's place, I discovered that the girls had just returned from a rainforest adventure of their own. We compared notes over a second dinner and then went out for some drinks and dancing at The Pumphouse.

Chloe' and I shared a few more passionate kisses (there would be nothing more intimate this evening, as Chloe' wasn't about to abandon her friend again, especially now that she was back up on her feet -- all things considered, perhaps that was for the best) and said goodnight. We made plans to go shopping together in the morning -- knowing, unfortunately, that it would be our final opportunity to spend some time together before we parted ways for good.

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