Oceania: Day 41: 8-13-94: Off To Sydney

After indeed meeting up with the girls for our early morning shopping spree (I bought several postcards, a children's story set in Australia called "Koala Lou" and a book on Australian wildlife), I shared a quick hug with Marie and a lingering embrace with Chloe' before heading off to the Cairns airport for my flight to Sydney (via Brisbane).

Thus began the last leg of my South Pacific Adventure . . .

[Note: Right now, I'm sitting in the Brisbane airport, and the only reason I've caught up with this journal (and thus, speaking in the present tense) is because my connecting flight is an hour late. Assuming I arrive in Sydney safely (not that I'm superstitious, but it is the 13th of the month, after all -- albeit a Saturday), I'll finish this entry tonight when there is something more to say.]

I'm sure the suspense is killing you, so I'll cut to the chase -- I made it to Sydney! (I was two hours late, but none the worse for wear). Rachel met me right at the gate (I had forgotten how nice it was to have someone waiting for you at the airport to pick you up), and we greeted each other like long-separated friends (when in fact, it had only been 7 days).

Rachel offered to put me up in her parents' house for the night, so I called the Glebe Point Hostel and moved my booking to the following evening. We popped into her Alfa Romeo (like many times on this trip, I embarrassingly went to the wrong side of the vehicle!) and drove off into the night. Sydney was beautiful, all lit up like an Australian Christmas Tree -- or more correctly, like an Australian Flag. Everything sparkled a comforting red, white and blue, crisp colors that sharply outlined the sillhouetted structures of the cityscape.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Bonnie (a.k.a. Tampa) was in town. Rachel informed me that we had a rendezvous at the Hard Rock Cafe, which was where we were headed. The joint was jumping when we arrived, packed wall-to-wall with Aussies and tourists. Nonetheless, my eagle eye managed to pick out Bonnie's flaming red hair, and we worked our way over to her table. Bonnie was accompanied by two of her friends, a guy and girl she had met on a previous Contiki Tour (in Europe), as well as the girl's new fiance'. We introduced ourselves and joined them for dinner. Not far into the meal, we all realized that the fiance' was a major bonehead (Bonnie, Rachel and I tried to ignore him and have a good time).

------------------------------Rachel And Bonnie------------------------------

After dinner, the lot of us popped into Bonnie's friend's car, and we went to the Circular Quay to see the Opera House and Harbour Bridge in all their glorious illumination. I wasted two exposures in a futile attempt to capture the impressive night scene (unfortunately, the roll in my camera was ISO 100).

At this point, Bonnie and her friends decided to call it a night, but Rachel and I felt like partying on (it was, after all, Saturday night in the big city!). So we went on a metropolitan walkabout and meandered into a hopping local pub. One thought pervaded my mind (and parched throat) -- Strongbow White. Having previously enjoyed the refreshing tastes of Strongbow Dry, Strongbow Draught and Strongbow Sweet, I had long yearned to sample the last variety -- this infamous White -- which promised all the taste and twice the alcohol. Unfortunately, I had yet to find a bar that stocked it . . . up until now, that is. Much to my delight, they did indeed have the ellusive brew (I finally tracked one down!), which I promptly ordered. I'm happy to report that it was good and one was quite enough to ellicit a buzz. Rachel and I listened to a man belt out songs on his guitar while we enjoyed our drinks.

We closed the place down (not such a big accomplishment, since "last call" was at 1:00 a.m.) and drove to Rachel's parents' house. Even in the dark, I could tell the house was quite beautiful. One glance inside confirmed it -- the owners had good taste (and money). Quiet as we tried to be, our arrival awakened Rachel's folks and I awkwardly greeted her father as he poked his bath-robed body out the bedroom door. Then Rachel showed me to my room (her brother's bedroom), and I collapsed on the bed. It was approaching three in the morning and I was beat.

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