Oceania: Day 20: 7-23-94: Travelling ("Here, There And Everywhere") To The Land Down Under

The shuttle arrived promptly at 5:00 a.m. We shot over to the Auckland airport, where I waited zombie-like for my 8:00 flight. My 3 hour journey from Auckland to Sydney flew by (no pun intended), as I slept almost the entire way. This was followed by a 2 hour wait at the Sydney airport. Next came a 1 hour flight to Melbourne. After a speedy connection at the Melbourne airport, I boarded my final plane of the day for a 3 hour flight to Alice Springs. Phew!

Three flights, five processed meals and twelve hours later, I arrived stiff and exhausted at the Frontier Oasis Hotel in Alice Springs at 5:00 p.m. I met James (Singapore) Autal & Robby (Sydney), John (Melbourne), Max & Chris (other parts of Australia) and my old friend Roger (The Good Ol' USA). We went to a local pub called Bojangles for a beer and some dinner. I had my first taste of kangaroo -- kangaroo shishkebab, to be exact (it was sorta like beef, only leaner and tougher).

After dinner, the lot of us roamed around the "city" of Alice Springs (supposedly the second largest in all of The Northern Territory, though it seemed more like a ghost town to me), desperately seeking something to do (or even "Susan"). It was 9:00 on a Saturday night, but the town was dead -- nothing open, nowhere to go. Following a final few fruitless searches, we gave up and went back to the hotel bar. I shot some pool until fatigue overcame me, and then sought the comfort of my bed. One burning question haunted my dreams: "Were there any women on this tour?!"

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