Alaska: Day 13: 7-18-93: A Do-Nothing Day

Another lazy day. I got up at 10:30, had some French Toast with Dave, and went into town (to the sister store of the mall photo shop) to drop off my panoramic film for development. Back at the house, I read a chapter or two of Interview With A Vampire and played some Casino with Dave. Then we returned to town to run some errands: I went to the photo store to pick up my pictures (many of which came out real sweet!), mailed a postcard to Christine and bought some food supplies with Dave for our upcoming Backpacking Extravaganza (We plan to spend the next two days hiking in Chugach State Park).

Back at the homestead once again, Dave and I whipped up a dinner of tuna casserole and yesterday's leftovers. It tasted mighty fine, but really stuck to my ribs, sitting in my stomach all night like a leaden weight.

After dinner, Dave and I went to shoot some pool. I won 10 out of 15 games and walked away with a crisp $5 bill. Maybe I should consider a career change ("Hustler Chris" has a certain ring to it).

Well, it's 11:45 p.m. now, and I'm sitting in my room wondering where the day went. Not much of import happened today, so I realize this has been a pretty boring journal entry. Don't worry -- I have a feeling tomorrow will be a little more interesting. For now, I will just brush, flush and hushhh. . .

1 comment:

Sue said...

Brush, flush and hush, huh? Well, that's a different way of saying it. hahah.

I am looking forward to the next entry! Oh, did you know your real name is the paragraph with the pool? I didn't know if you wanted to remain anonymous or not.